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On Call International & EA+ Plus

I happen to run into this company, as a vendor. I agreed to deliver a vehicle for one of their insured/members/clients back to their home. Had I not agreed to return the vehicle, On Call International would have had to find a car hauling company and they said that could take a couple weeks for the client to get their car. In light of the fact that the client would be in the hospital for 2 weeks (a shattered femur) Obviously, the spouse would need the car to get around during that 2 weeks.

So I signed their Vendor Agreement which clearly states that they will reimburse all required expenses and per diem. I needed to drive the vehicle a little more than 400 miles. The trip required me to take it into Canada. The clients are residents of Canada.  The headache there was that it wasn't my vehicle and it was licensed in the US. I did have all of the needed paperwork but it took more than an hour at the border. I needed to spend the night, take a ferry, buy gas, eat, parking and an airline ticket back home. They specify a basic economy ticket, which is one step above being duck taped to a wing.

Other than the border crossing and a dead battery ($10 for the guy that jumped me, no receipt of course) the next morning, the trip went well. When I returned, I processed all of the receipts and sent them in. Since I used a credit card for all purchases, they had adjusted for the currency conversion. I checked with Google that day for the conversion rate and the CC company was less than a % off.

I don't hear anything for more than a month, in spite of emails to my contact person. She kept assuring me that they had the info and someone would get back to me. After threatening to go to the Attorney General in NH, I finally get a phone call telling me that I had spent too much money for the hotel room and that they used a different currency conversion and I was way off. AND they wouldn't pay any per diem. After another month or so, I finally get a check with no details and short about $100.

I filed a complaint with the Attorney General of NH and received a nice letter stating that they wouldn't be doing anything for me and suggested that I take them to court. Well, that isn't out of the question, and if I go down that path, I'll update this page.

At first glance, I thought I should get this coverage, it's cheap enough and you never know when something could happen.  What you need to think about is that if they screw their vendors, the word gets out and the good people won't have anything to do with them.  You wouldn't want the medivac plane falling out of the sky with you in it.  If they jerk their vendors around for 2 months and short them, who needs them. 

Above in the slideshow, you see numerous reviews from people that feel that they got screwed by On Call International.  I was surprised while researching this industry that most of these On Call International type companies are selling a membership NOT insurance.  Obviously, they don't fall under the jurisdiction of the state insurance commissions.  Basically, this means that if they don't take care of you, you have to sue them and I'm sure that the pages of small print cover them, not you.   I found a number of unhappy current and former On Call International employee's reviews.  I've also included them.  What are the odds that you are going to get what you expect when the employee feels that they are getting screwed by the company?  

I was reading about some insurance companies and the math in rejecting claims.  Apparently, the companies have all the research doing the math for them.  Let's say that they have 1000 claims a month with the average claim amount is $10,000.  That's ten million in claims.  If they refuse to pay 10% that is a savings of $1,000,000.  And they know that only 1 out of 25 will go get a lawyer, (I think that was the odds).  If they lose those 4 cases that's only $40,000. Even if they get slapped with double damages $80,000, triple damages, that's still only $120,000.  The math is easy $880,000 saved.  BUT insurance companies are regulated.  What about these membership "clubs", not so much.  Something to think about.  

On Call Internation apparently was a great company until 2016 when Toyoko Marine HCC bought them up, as one of the employees put in his review.  It appears that their financial statement discloses that they grossed $68 million I'm assuming that was 2017.  They should have pretty good lawyers.

Just so they couldn't say that since I cashed their shorted check that I accepted that as final payment, I cut it up.


In August I filed a Small Claims Suit against ON CALL INTERNATIONAL, LLC.  Today, nearly 5 months after the start of this, I received a check in the full amount for delivering the above-mentioned vehicle.  Upon the discussion of sending the check, On Call International, LLC requested and expected me to remove this website.  I declined and offered to sell them the domain and then they could do what they wanted to do with it.  So far they have declined to purchase the domain.  I don't know which problem prompted them to send me what they owed me, the website ONCALLINTERNATIONALSUX.COM or the lawsuit.  Either way, I am happy to lay this to rest.  As I stated before, It boggles the mind to comprehend why On Call International, LLC might have spent $100,000.00 to fly the client to the right hospital and screw with me over a hundred dollars.  See the final copies below.

On Call International, LLC

On Call International, LLC