Great job role but how they manage the employees is horrible
Former Employee - Assistance Coordinator 4/19/17
If you want a stable job with a steady schedule, don't work here. If you are someone that has any medical issues in any way and would need time off due to them, don't work here. The job role is amazing, the coworkers (mostly same pay grade) are amazing. But they have zero regard for your life outside of work and love to play a schedule bid and if your previous schedule is no longer available, you lose your shift and they do not care at what it interferes with. I almost lost my apartment because of it and they said they would not let me keep my schedule because "it wouldn't be fair".
They also say that if you're absent due to medical reasons, you still get a point (a system they have for tracking how often your're out) but you would be safe from termination. HUGH LIE!!!
Job itself is amazing, Just the company is not worth working for. They have a high turnover rate for a reason. They do not have any 8 hour shift options for this job title. They shifts are 10 hours but you you have the standard 2 15 min break and 30 min for lunch. It is not long enough for how hard this job is. The pay isn't high enough either. They start everyone at $14.50 regardless of experience or degrees, they say working from home is an option but not maybe a year or more of working them, and if you desire your own desk on a constant basis, you won't have one until you get past the supervisor. There is a lot more bad. If you apply, just be cautious.
Pros Feeling like you at times make a difference to the customers.
Cons Management, hours, pay, lies, fake personalities of manageme3nt, and a lot more.