"Flip burgers instead"
Former Employee - Anonymous Employee 12/29/17
I worked at On Call International full-time
Pros All the negative reviews you read were accurate 3 day weekends, they are necessary after 40 hours at On Call If you want to get fat, they buy food for employees all the time in a weak attempt to boost morale. If you don't want to bring your own lunch, you can often show up with no food and get a free lunch followed by enough stress to make you toss that same lunch an hour later. If you aspire to be a sailor, you will learn how to bail water out of a sinking ship.
Cons The 3 day weekends hardly matter because you spend the first two days of it winding down and trying to forget the stress and anxiety of the previous week and that of the week to come. You will start to lose faith in humanity and you spend the first two days of the weekend fighting your cognitive dissonance over it. This place will make you want to go home and have a make out party with your best buddies Smith & Wesson. Probably would help to take Xanax and maybe even amphetamines at this job, but I strongly advise all people to shun drugs unless medically advised by a reputable professional. By the third day you are ready to be a normal social person again but you spiral back into soul crushing depression because you have to go back to work the following day and put your face to the grind wheel again, all the while you feel you have accomplished nothing in life while taking irate phone calls from angry and ungrateful boomers who should have just stayed at home or traveled decades before their bones became more brittle than a candy cane.
The management is not supportive and does not provide the tools needed to get the job done. They will pretty much leave you out in the cold and still ask you to take on more work that you don't have the resources to complete adequately. However, if they are in a scenario in which they have to do regular coordinator work, they will panic, try calling employees in early, and screw the job up and either blame it on an employee or walk scot free. Keep in mind, if a regular employee makes even a minor mistake, they will want to crucify them for it.
Working hard here, if thanked, will only be thanked in superficial ways and get you branded as the work horse to keep kicking until you collapse. One way they would thank hard working employees was to give them a little certificate like you would receive in 1st grade for acing a basic spelling test accompanied by some dollar store toys. Yes, that is how they will reward adults working a high stress job. Want to advance? Awesome! You best only have a GED, otherwise you are threat and will be targeted as such so the unqualified can keep their positions. Management will want to ream you out for small and correctable mistakes, but if they get into a position in which they do the same work, they will often mess up on a grand scale and not even have to drop a bead of sweat about it. They will give you a whopping $15/hr to save lives just enough to cover your depression/anxiety meds and barely pay rent in a low-tier apartment. The clients pretty much throw you to the birds too after they are informed they are not giving you the tools to help them properly.
Advice to Management Too far gone, the place will never change for the better. Buying food all the time for employees does not boost morale, they need real incentives to excel. Dollar store toys won't help either. As much as the company was criticized, the 3 day weekend is important, if not for that I think most people would leave much sooner.
Advice to Management Show respect those under you. Increase raise amounts.